The Hobsons Bay Community Fund has a voluntary committee of management who are dedicated, hardworking and passionate about improving the lives of those in need within the Hobsons Bay community. Our Committee is divided into subcommittees and working groups to ensure we engage with our local community and serve it well. As the Committee are all volunteers - every dollar raised goes back into the Fund.

Adrian Butera - Chair

Adrian has been a member of the HBCF since 2014 and was elected to the role of Chair in 2019. He is a Director and Auctioneer at Compton Green. He is also a past President of the Rotary Club of Williamstown, an avid supporter of the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal and connected to multiple sporting groups within the municipality.

Michael Lynch - Member

Michael is an accommodation industry specialist and experienced in matters relating to corporate governance, community management, operations and risk management.

Peter Hemphill -


Peter has been a Hobsons Bay City Councillor for more than 25 years, serving three times as Mayor. Peter spent all his professional career as a journalist, retiring recently. He is one of the founders of the Seaworks Foundation and has a strong interest in history and preserving our heritage. Peter enjoys building capacity in our community.

Pamela Sutton-Legaud - Deputy Chair

Pamela is a Councillor for the Strand Ward and Deputy Mayor of the City of Hobsons Bay. Pamela is a writer and strategic planning consultant and the author of The Fundraiser’s Handbook. Pamela has an MBA and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She was recognised as Victorian Telstra Business women of the year (Community & Government).

Craig Eyes - Member

Craig worked with the Victorian Government for a decade, assessing and administrating grants for regional and rural development projects, and facilitating energy projects.

Louise Perry - Advisor

Louise is a highly experienced executive leader, specialising in major reform, social policy, transformational organisational change, strategy, communications and community engagement with nearly 20 years experience in government, service delivery and not for profit organisations.

Michael Sonego - Treasurer

Michael is a highly experienced finance professional with over 20 years’ experience specialising in mergers and acquisitions.  As a local resident in Hobsons Bay, Michael and his family are involved in many local community and sporting clubs.

Melissa Hilton - Member

Melissa is a highly experienced professional in the Philanthropy space. With her qualification as a Chartered Accountant, her knowledge and insight into the giving space is an invaluable addition to the community fund committee.

Vedran Drakulic OAM - Advisor

Vedran is the CEO of the Hansen Little Foundation, a large scale private ancillary fund. He has spent more than 15 years working in communications, marketing, and fundraising in the humanitarian sector, with Red Cross in Australia and overseas, and with Oxfam Australia, followed by a senior role in the corporate sector and then philanthropy. In 2017 he received the Medal of the Order of Australia for his service to the community.

Rowena Joske - Executive Officer

Rowena has over 15 years experience working with volunteer committees in Hobsons Bay. She has a professional background in Sustainability Planning across a range of organisations.

Goya Dmytryshchak - Member

Goya is a strategic communications advisor for a local government and Quill Award-winning journalist with a long connection to the Hobsons Bay community. She is also a communications volunteer with an international not-for-profit providing humanitarian aid and Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International.

The Fund receives a financial contribution from the Hobsons Bay City Council to cover the costs associated with employing a part-time Executive Officer.

Our Patron


Hayden Raysmith, AM

Hayden founded the HBCF in 2006, and Chaired the Fund until retiring as Chair in 2019. Hayden has had a distinguished career in the public, community and philanthropic sectors. He was the founding chair of Melbourne Community Foundation, the Executive Director of the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS), chair of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Social Research at Swinburne University and he held the positions of Director of Youth Affairs and Director of Statewide Operations and Public Health in the Victorian Government. Hayden currently chairs the Abbotsford Convent Foundation, which is developing an arts, cultural and educational precinct on an historic 6.5 hectare site on the Yarra River, and is Governance Patron of the Victorian Local Governance Association. From 2007 to 2012 he was CEO of Community Chef and Regional Kitchen and now chairs the board of Regional Kitchen Pty Ltd. He was awarded an Australia Day Honour in 2011 for his work in the community. He continues his support of the Hobsons Bay Community Fund through the establishment of a Patrons Group, who pledge long term support to the HBCF.

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