Our Grants Program
2025 Grant Applications - Round one opens 31 March!
The vision of the Hobsons Bay Community Fund (HBCF) to ‘benefit and strengthen the community of Hobsons Bay for present and future generations’ has never felt more meaningful than right now. HBCF’s Committee works closely with key local stakeholders to ensure our priorities are aligned with the existing and emerging needs of the local community.
Our focus with the annual HBCF Community grants program is to provide grants for activities that contribute to making our local community fair, inclusive and vibrant.
In 2024, the HBCF provided $65,312 in grants to 19 local projects supporting the community of Hobsons Bay. The grants have benefited our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, migrants and asylum seekers, people with disabilities, and communities at risk of social isolation, as well as providing equal opportunities in education, employment and the arts.
The section below guides grant-seekers through the process of applying for a grant. Please contact us if you have any questions or require assistance grants@hbcommunityfund.org.au.
HBCF Grants Program 2025
The Hobsons Bay Community Fund aims to promote a fair, inclusive and vibrant community by promoting social inclusion and fair and equitable access to community participation.
In 2025, we are offering Community Support Grants from $500 up to $10,000.
• Any non-profit, club, group, organisation, community centre, neighbourhood house, school and other organisations or groups delivering services or programs within Hobsons Bay.
• Accepting grant applications from for-profit organisations are not generally within our guidelines, but if a for-profit body is seeking to deliver a charitable project or program, for example in partnership with a not-for-profit or community group, please contact the HBCF Grants subcommittee to discuss the project before applying.
• Community initiatives require the majority of participants to come from Hobsons Bay.
• Applications from sporting clubs will only be considered if the sporting activity is done as an integral part of, or is incidental to, a charitable purpose.
Important Information for Sporting Clubs.
• Individuals.
• Organisations or groups that deliver projects or programs outside of Hobsons Bay.
• Applications from sporting clubs that do not have a charitable purpose. Click on the link below for further information for sporting clubs.
• Proposals that would require operating or recurring costs (i.e. wages, utilities, rent, administrative costs, funds for investment or debt servicing etc.).
• Capital projects.
• General fundraising campaigns or annual appeals.
• Proposals with more appropriate alternative funding sources (i.e. fees, sponsorship, service agreements etc.), Council or government.
• Organisations that have previously received a grant from the HBCF and have not provided a satisfactory Acquittal Report.
Important Information for Sporting Clubs.
Application process
Prior to submitting an application to the Hobsons Bay Community Fund, please read the relevant grant guidelines.
Click here to view and download grant guidelines and application forms.Assessment process
Once submitted, your grant application will be considered by the HBCF’s Committee.
The assessment process for applications to the HBCF grants program includes:
• Eligibility check.
• Assessment and recommendation to the Australian Communities Foundation (ACF). The HBCF is a sub-fund of the ACF.
• Review panel.
In assessing funding applications, the HBCF Grants subcommittee will consider adequate dispersion and diversity of proposals both geographically and across cohorts within Hobsons Bay.
• If your application is successful, you will be required to provide the HBCF with a report on your project outcomes at the earliest opportunity to demonstrate your project outcomes.
• If your application is successful, an authorised representative from your group/organisation will be required to complete an HBCF Electronic Funds Transfer authorisation form and return it to the HBCF. Your information will be provided to the ACF for final endorsement.
• The ACF will provide approved recipients with a letter of offer and once returned, will pay grant monies.
Community Support Grants Program
* First round applications open on Monday, 31 March 2025 and close on Friday, 27 June 2025. Second round applications open on Monday 18 August, 2025 and close Friday 24 October, 2025 or earlier if funds are exhausted.
* Outcomes of grant applications will be notified within two weeks of the closing dates. Successful grant funds will be released following this date.
Acquittal for successful grants
If your grant is successful, you will be required to provide the HBCF with a report on your project outcomes within the 12-month grant period. A template for this report will be provided to you by a member of the HBCF Grants subcommittee. A visit may also be arranged to view the project/program in action.
Important information for sporting clubs
Sporting clubs wishing to submit a grant application to support sporting activities or scholarships to assist individuals in sporting endeavours must first consider the charitable purpose of their application. The Australian Taxation Office limits the use of grant funds from the HBCF to providing money for charitable purposes. They rule that charitable purposes do not include the encouragement or advancement of sport, recreation or social activities, even though there might be elements of benefit to the community.
Please click on the link below for further information and examples of eligible sporting grant requests.
Important Information for Sporting Clubs.
Resources to support grant seekers
There are a range of free resources available to assist you with preparing a grant application.
Click on this link to view a list of available resources.